Building materials

How we help you achieve a clean environment

What does the zero measurement look like?
Request and schedule
Request the baseline measurement online and schedule an appointment with a Kiekens specialist at a time that suits you.
Our expert comes by and performs an extensive measurement to identify dust levels and potential risks.
You will receive a report with concrete findings, including possible risks to food safety and health.
Based on the results, we make recommendations to effectively tackle dust, dirt and risks — with possible tailored solutions.

The challenges in the building materials industry are diverse. To address these, we apply both proven and innovative solutions, including ...(1)... and ...(2)..., and regularly carry out preventive maintenance on the dust extraction system. These measures reduce dust emissions, ensure a healthy working environment, and contribute to compliance with environmental regulations.
Custom Solutions
Feel free to call us enthusiasts in our field, because driven as we are, our standard solutions always end up being tailor-made. From filtration and ventilation to meticulous dus extraction, we go to the extent of removing even the finest dust particles down to the last micrometer from the air.