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Take control of food safety with a complimentary baseline assessment from Kiekens

Uncover hidden risks and optimize your production environment for maximum hygiene and compliance.

For you as a facility manager in the recycling industry, a dust-free, safe working environment is essential. A baseline measurement by Kiekens provides insight into the dust and air quality risks associated with recycling processes, so that you can take targeted action to control explosion risks and air pollution. Start today with the first step towards a safer production process.

Why choose Kiekens' dust extraction systems in the recycling industry?



Minimize exposure to hazardous substances and prevent health risks for employees.


Detect potential explosion risks and meet ATEX requirements.


A clean, safe workplace reduces downtime and extends the life of your machines.
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Scalable from vacuum cleaner to dust extraction system

Each Kiekens dust extraction solution (such as cyclones, pre-separators and central dust extraction systems) integrates advanced dust extraction technology with craftsmanship and sobriety. The result: user-friendly products with a particularly high level of effectiveness.

Verleng de levensduur van uw machines en voldoe aan milieu-eisen

Met de stofafzuigingssystemen van Kiekens bescherm je niet alleen je machines, maar draag je ook bij aan een duurzamere productie.

Verleng de levensduur van je machines

In de recyclingindustrie kan stofophoping flinke schade aan machines veroorzaken, wat zorgt voor hogere onderhoudskosten en onnodige stilstand. Met de stofafzuigingssystemen van Kiekens houd je je apparatuur stofvrij, verminder je slijtage en verleng je de levensduur van je machines. Dat betekent minder onderhoud en een productieproces dat soepel blijft draaien.

Voldoe aan milieueisen en verklein je impact

Onze systemen helpen je te voldoen aan ATEX-veiligheidsnormen door stofophoping te voorkomen en explosierisico's te verlagen. Tegelijkertijd dragen ze bij aan een schonere luchtkwaliteit door luchtvervuiling en stofverspreiding te verminderen. Zo werk je aan een veilige, gezonde werkplek en een productieomgeving met minder impact op het milieu.

Kiekens stofafzuiging

Opt for a safe work environment

A clean and hygienic workplace reduces risks, increases production quality and creates a safe environment for your employees. Our complete solutions offer more than just dust extraction — they contribute to a totally safe workplace, from ventilation and filtration to ATEX-compliant systems. Discover what Kiekens can do for your food production environment.

  • Dust and air quality risk analysis in your recycling processes
  • Tailored action plan to effectively control dust explosion risks and air pollution
  • ATEX compliance so you always meet the strictest safety standards

What does the zero measurement look like?


Request and schedule

Request the baseline measurement online and schedule an appointment with a Kiekens specialist at a time that suits you.



Our expert comes by and performs an extensive measurement to identify dust levels and potential risks.



You will receive a report with concrete findings, including possible risks to food safety and health.



Based on the results, we make recommendations to effectively tackle dust, dirt and risks — with possible tailored solutions.

Kiekens medewerkers aan het werk in de productie hal.

Schedule a free zero measurement with our specialists now

Our specialists love nothing more than sharing their knowledge with you, so if you have a question or have a request, fill in your details below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.